Friday, March 6, 2009

Just another blog...

Hello, I just wanted to let you know. That I am still fundraising, but I am sort of tired of just talking about how I fund raised and how I'm going- I'm sure you are too ;) I mean I know that God will supply and it makes me nervous to write it out every time. So anyways, in about a month (after I am finished fundraising- ha.) I am going to start sponsoring a child from Guatemala. I am thinking a kid that is like 6-7, or someone that's my age. I'm not completely sure though but I'm excited that I'm going to be able to help someone and to continue helping someone across the world, even after the trip is over. But anyways, If you could pray for me and the 600 other teens whom are going on the trip-- Because I can tell you one thing. Satan is not liking what were doing, he is going to (and he already is.. its insane.) try to get this trip to not happen, some way or another. Because he knows that through this trip so many people are going to grow spiritually, mentally, and just become closer to God. So if you could pray about that.
I am getting a little nervous, but so excited! (Its a mixed emotion).

Please pray for me!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Danielle! Love your blog! I am going to Guatemala with Brio as well. I hope to see you there! I am praying for the trip too!
