Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Hello Again!

Hey, Sorry its been a while since I last posted. I am currently waiting for people to reply - I sent out letters asking for donations. So we'll see how that goes(: I am going to be going to work with my dad sometime this next little while and ask for donations there. Anyways, I am thinking about asking my pastor if I can do something through the church, like a dinner or lunch after church. Or something like that, I only have a month to raise the money. Yikess. So far I have about $180. I know, I need A LOT more. But I know God will provide. So I'm all good with that. Anyways Only 124 more days till I'm in Miami!!!! I'm really excited!! So far I have gotten ahold of one person who is in the same state as me and going on the trip. I'm so happy, I'm going to get ahold of some more people who are going on the trip. Anyways please, please, PLEASE pray that I will get the money, and things go smoothly. So if your going on this trip, or you've been on previous BRIO magazine Missions trips. Please comment and maybe we can talk about it?

124 more days.



  1. wow girl you got a ways to go. but i will be praying for you, and remember that we serve an AWESOME God.

    1 Samuel 12:24
    But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.

  2. p.s. congrats on winning the susie secret power bible study!
